Thank you to our amazing Donors!
2024 Donors (January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024)
K – Kohler Scholarship Fund
R – Research Fund
CS – 2024 Conference Sponsorship
$15,000 AND UP
Josh and Katie Hammond in honor of Kieran Hammond
Jeffrey Kohler in memory of Linda and Stephanie Kohler (K, CS)
Alexis and Russell Nash in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Dana and Vito Scutero in honor of Aubrie Scutero (CS)
$2,000 to $14,999
Edwin M Case in Memory of Megan Ankeny and in honor of Maria and Ken Ankeny
Estee Lauder Companies
Darin and Jenny Iacobelli in honor of Nola Iacobelli
Legacy Lighting in honor of Ella Grace Nash (CS)
Matthew Lodes (K)
Mighty Myles Superhero Network & The Genelin Family (CS)
Martha and Leighton Moore in honor of Judy Moore (CS)
Vidya Ramabadran in honor of Rajiv (CS)
Sharon Riley-Sylva in honor of Dame Dana (R)
Walter and Maura Ritchie in honor of Leah Borian (CS)
Jeremy Sudberry in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Melissa Tieslau in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Wilson Lewis Duluth (CS)
$1,000 to $1,999
Rik Jeffery Boren (K)
Richard and Kriss Boyce in honor of Ella (CS)
Laura L Burke in memory of Owen Thomas Burke
Tuesdi and Brent Dyer in honor of Emmett Dyer (R)
Craig Fenter in honor of Emmett Dyer
Julie V Goosman (K)
JoAnn Jameson in honor of Mairin Jameson
Renee & Chris Melvin, The Harleybug Ride in memory of Harley D’Nee’ Melvin
John and Nancy Nanney in honor of Clara Nanney (R)
Michael James Nash in memory of Victoria Elizabeth Nash
Lamarr and Carol Paschall in memory of Elizabeth Ann Paschall (R)
Dave and Karen Peterson in honor of Aubrey Scutero (CS)
Dave and Jan Rosenbaum in honor of Max and Betsy Rosenbaum
Behnam Sabayan in honor of Lily Sabayan (CS)
John Womack in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
David Ziv in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
$600 to $999
Danielle Costello in memory of Richard A. Krejce
Barbara Lynn DeGast in memory of Elizabeth Ann Paschall
Judy and Tim Doyle in honor of Michelle Romano Senko
Don and Shannon Hammond in honor of Kieran Hammond
Mitchell Kohler in memory of Linda and Stephanie Kohler (K)
Dr. Joseph Levy (K)
Pilar and Demetri Magoulas
John McCardell in honor of Kate Brockwell
Scot Moore, Moore's Lawn Maintenance in honor of Jocelyn Schliephake
Brett Ritter in honor of Kate Brockwell
Leslie Rogers In honor of Gloria Ann Rogers
Charlotte Stiles in honor of Gloria Ann Rogers
Nicole Stroud in honor of Kate Brockwell
$300 to $599
Gregory R Backus (R)
Melinda Balser in honor of Emmett Dyer (R)
Cara and Peter Borian in honor of Leah Borian
Glenn Patrick Brady (K)
Adam & Tammy Cowan, in honor of Sheri Armstrong Snider and Becky Watkins-Shafer
Darby Duncan in honor of Vito Scutero
Ashton Dunlap in honor of Kage Osterman
Michael Farrell
Shelly and Coby Greenhaw in honor of Kinley Greenhaw (CS)
Steve Haekler in honor of Luke Lydiksen
Jennifer Holien-Prischak in honor of Mairin Jameson
Jenny and Darin Iacobelli in honorof Nola Iacobelli (CS)
Michael Kressig (K)
LFS in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Jimmy Madonia (R)
Christopher Mark McBryan in honor of Kate Brockwell
Kent and Cheryl McInnis in honor of Kinley Greenhaw (R)
Dana Hildebrand Moseley in honor of Kinley Greenhaw
Sandra Paffumi-Hurle in honor of Joti Hurle
Bob and Becky Politzer, Select Title in memory of Elizabeth Ann Paschall
Geri Rosner in honor of Emmett Dyer (R)
Larry Rubin in honor of Linda and Stephanie Kohler (K)
Jessica Seymour-Parker in honor of The Hammond Family
Michael Shimberg in honor of Vito Scutero
Michael Valdes in honor of Vito Scutero
$100 to $299
Douglas J Awad in honor of Pilar Magoulas
Mike Baltzell (K)
Mary Band in honor of Vito Scutero
Beverly Bates in honor of Rene Hart (R)
Margaret Bello in honor of Lacey Milner
Marina and Ataman Bilgin in honor of Arthur Bilgin (R)
Kirsten Blotto in honor of Dame Dana (R)
Karen Boggs in honor of Dame Dana (R)
Ally Beth Bowan Van Beber in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Scott Bredikis
Kevin and Sheryl Brown (K)
Louise and Nick Burt in honor of Zoe Burt (R)
Karri Byers in honor of Ella Grace Nash and Reanna Keigher (R)
Dwight Canning (K)
Allison Cardoza in honor of Mateo Pardo
Lisa Casias in honor of Lacey Milner
Ruth and Doug Catloth in memory of Helen Schmit, Linda Kohler and Stephanie Kohler K
Eileen Cobb in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Brenda and Cliff Conger in honor of Clifford Conger
Fran Conti in honor of Clifford Conger
Linda Lopez Corley in honor of Emily Santa Cruz
Amy Crawford in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Tori Crawford in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Annette Crawley in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Carey Dagenhart in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Dame Dana in honor of Dame Dana (R)
Joe Dargan in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos (R)
Gina Deaton in honor of Amanda Wiles
Meghan Dominick (R)
Anita Driskill in honor of Rebecca Vaughan (R)
Robbie Duschinsky in honor of Abigail Duschinsky
Candace Dyer in honor of Emmett Dyer (R)
Tommy and Mary Dyer in honor of Emmett Dyer (R)
Tuesdi and Brent Dyer in honor of Emmett Dyer (R)
Peter J France In memory of Linda and Stephanie Kohler (K)
Camille Frank in honor of Jens Frank and Marianne Butcher (R)
Rebecca Gallagher (R)
William and Merle Gerke in honor of Lacey Milner (R)
Vicki Gibson Hofmann in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Kimble Gravitt in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Mark Griesi in honor of Jamie Lynne Castonguay
Chanin Griffin in honor of Vito Scutero
Nathan Hanson in honor of Allie Luu
Andrew and Jennifer Hayek in honor of Natalie Hayek (K)
Christine Huntzinger in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Mary Jacobazzi in honor of Vito Scutero
Keri Janton in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Noah and Ashley Jones in memory of Sidney Jean Blackwood Jones
Nikolas Karloutsos (R)
Dale Lauren Kaufman in honor of Brady Weidner
Raynard Kearbey in honor of Rene Hart (R)
Michele Keigher in honor of Ella Grace Nash and Reanna Keigher (R)
Rory and Reanna Keigher in honor of Ella Grace Nash and Reanna Keigher (R)
John Kelly (K)
Anna Koulouris in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos (R)
Nell and Roy Kuhnmuench in honor of Kassi Rivers
Veronica Lamb (K)
Susan Leonard In memory of Linda and Stephanie Kohler (K)
Megan Levitt in honor of Mairin Jameson
Andrew and Crystal Lovvorn in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Nerisha Madrazo in honor of Nola Iacobelli
Malcolm X Elementary School Community (R)
Katie Martin in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Elizabeth A. McHale in honor of Tuesdi Dyer, Executive Director
Cindy McMahon (R)
Dana Miller in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Bob Milner, Jr. in honor of Lacey Milner (R)
Noelle Monette in honor of Rebecca Vaughan
The Moore Family in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Randy Moore in honor of Rene Hart (R)
Jack and Leslie Morris in honor of Lacey Milner
Cheryl and Marty Murch in memory of Lacy Margin, Alvera Murch and Evelyn Richtsmeier (R)
Amanda Musselman in honor of Vito Scutero
Wayne Musum in honor of Vito Scutero
Barbara and Curtis Ohm in memory of Helen Schmit (K)
Cynthia Paleologos in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos (R)
Christi Parsons in honor of Tammy Cowan and Sheri Armstrong Snider (R)
Nancy Paxton in memory of Megan Nicole Ankeny
Shawna M Peruzzi in honor of Lacey Milner (R)
Tram Mai Pham in honor of Sydney Nguyen
Debbie Phelps in honor of Pam Fisher
John Pinelli in honor of Vito Scutero
Tricia Postlethwait in honor of Emmett Dyer (R)
Margot Racano in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos (R)
Deanna Reid in honor of Lindsey Nanney (R)
Theresa Ritz in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Walter Robinson in honor of Vito Scutero
William Schmit in memory of Helen Schmit, Linda Kohler and Stephanie Kohler (K)
Rick Schmitt in memory of Helen Schmit, Linda Kohler and Stephanie Kohler (K)
Lisa Schoyer
Victor Shaff (K)
Mary Shanks in honor of Lauren Ashley Wallace
Rob Shipp (K)
Kathleen Sideli (R)
Katie Sileck in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos (R)
Roy and Brenda Sims in honor of Ashley Sims
Karen Smith in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Susan Post Smith in memory of Madison Oakley Smith (R)
Suzanne Tenuto in honor of Grace Mortimer
Kleo Tripodianos in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos (R)
Stacy Upchurch-Avera in honor of Vito Scutero
Dan and Jeanine M Valleroy, The Family Room Psychological Services (K)
Elizabeth Van Asch in honor of Ella Grace Nash (R)
Linda Warne in honor of Maisie Warne
Amy Westfall Myers
Marci Wilhelm in honor of Vito Scutero
Hope Winters Colvin in honor of Amanda Wiles
Cindy Woodward in honor of Dame Dana (R)
Ming Yin (K)
$50 to $99
Tara Armstrong in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Paula Babcock in honor of Pam Fisher
Wayne Bain in honor of Jaimi Doran
Therisa and Brian Bennett in honor of Lacey Milner R
Jean Charles & Cecile Berruet in honor of Juliette Rose Berruet
Preethi Bhasin in honor of Meghan Dominick R
Rose M Bodnar in honor of Brooks Bodnar R
Janis Buchanan in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Karen Buehrer in honor of Mairin Jameson
Damon and Amanda Burris in honor of Emmett Dyer R
Claire Busse in honor of Greta Congleton
Joseph Butcher in honor of Marianne Butcher and Jens Frank R
Linda Butcher in honor of Marianne Butcher and Jens Frank
Chris Cameron
Marilyn Brown Charlton in honor of the Scutero Family
Jeremy and Brandy Clark in honor of Rachel Kersten
Kathleen Corcoran-Marshall in honor of Vito Scutero
Sheryle Cowan
Marsha Daugherty in honor of Dame Dana R
Laura Den Hartigh in honor of Mairin Jameson
eBay for Charity Seller Donations
Jasmine Efrussy in honor of Renee Hart
Elizabeth Elliott Gainey in honor of Dame Dana R
Erin Fellers in honor of Dame Dana R
Mark Fischel in honor of Vito Scutero
Myra Fischel in honor of Vito Scutero
Joel Fisher in honor of Pam Fisher
Pam and Paul Fisher in honor of Pam Fisher
Louann Fratz in honor of Pam Fisher
Stephen Frizzola in honor of Nola Iacobelli
Charlie Gender in honor of Rebecca Vaughan
Fevri Gkani Gkanatsios in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Andrea Gomez Cervantes in honor of Gael Gomez Bowen R
Grams in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Carolyn Gregory in memory of Claire Nicole Gambassi
Linda Grinde in honor of Mairin Jameson
Christiane Groay in honor of Jens Frank
Julie and Gregory Groom in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Crystal Groves in honor of Amy Westfall and Catelin Renee
Nadir Haddadin in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Stacy Heath in honor of Dame Dana R
Kimberly Helenius-Kelkenberg in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Ty Hensell in honor of Lacey Milner R
Onita Hill in honor of Emmett Dyer R
Donna Hodge in honor of Reanna Keigher
Jesse Hokanson in honor of Allie Clark
Kim Connor & Robbie Holland in honor of Rachel Holland
Kathryn & James Horal in honor of Emmett Dyer R
Niles S. Illich R
Colleen Jenkins in honor of Josh Hammond & Katie Lythgoe
Nancy Jordan in honor of Pam Fisher
Sean Jordan in honor of Pam Fisher
Brian Karr in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
David Kline Jr. in honor of Dame Dana R
Toula Koutmos in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Dorothy J Lange in honor of Reanna Keigher
Sue Legg in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Austin Lewis in honor of Mairin Jameson
Dena Lipinski in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Christina MacBeth in honor of Rebecca Vaughan
Mary Madonia
Agamoni Majumdar in honor of Meghan Dominick R
Angie Mangum in honor of Dame Dana R
Rudy Marie in honor of Jamie Lynne Castonguay
Cassandra Marrujo in honor of Luke
Jason Merithew
Lynn Merrill R
Theresa Milner in honor of Lacey Milner R
Susan Moore in honor of Rene Hart R
Pearl Murphy in honor of Stefanee Mar
Jessica Myers in honor of Lacey Milner
Scott and Julie Nadolny K
Eric Newell in honor of Owen Lilly
Christen Paleologos in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Lin and Susan Patterson
Kristine Peters in honor of Lacey Milner R
George Powasnick in honor of Allie Clark
Gary Brandon Puckett in honor of Brooklyn Faith Puckett
Ronnie and Stacey Richardson in honor of Logan Richardson
Jenifer Rider in honor of Dame Dana R
Joelle Riley in honor of Renee Hart
Margaret Roscoe in memory of Jean Hailey
Caitlin Rothbard in honor of Meghan Dominick R
Charles Rouse in honor of Amanda Wiles
Maria Schirripa in honor of Meghan Dominick R
Roseanne Scutero in honor of Vito Scutero
Barbara Sheaffer in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Kelli Silliman in honor of Jordan Toledo
Brooke Thiel in honor of Mairin Jameson
Alex Tomas in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Larry and Sharon Tucker in memory of Helen Schmit K
The Vorkas Family in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Rhonda Wagner in honor of Emmett Dyer R
Goldberg L Wendi in honor of Ty Childress Hailey Brinson
Larry Wida in honor of Jason
The Young Family in honor of Meghan Dominick R
Up to $49
Mindy Ary in honor of Marcy Jackson
Lauren Ascolese in honor of Meghan Dominick R
Joshua Back in honor of Marcy Jackson
Deb Bain in honor of Jaimi Doran
Melissa Belmontes
Benevity Causes Portal
Alan Bicking in honor of Amanda Wiles
Beth Boggins in honor of Michelle Romano Senko
Laura Brewer in honor of Lacey Milner R
Ashley Brown in honor of Morgan Mayo Jones R
Marlee Brown in honor of Mairin Jameson
Rachel Brown in honor of Amanda Wiles
Robin Bruner in honor of Marcy Jackson
Shannon Burnett in honor of Emmett Dyer R
Marianne Butcher in honor of Jens Frank
Michelle Cancel DaSilva in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Clive Carter in honor of Marianne Butcher R
Charities Aid Foundation of America c/o cybergrants
Candace Clark in honor of Rebecca Vaughan
Cynthia in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Angie Dale in honor of Marcy Jackson
Tammy Daly in honor of Jens Frank
Pamela Deuink in honor of Pam Fisher
Erin Dicola in honor of Lacey Milner R
Jaimi Doran
Barbara Eisele in honor of Jens Frank
Katie Enderle in honor of Marcy Jackson
Mark English in honor of Norman English
Norman English
Jennifer Flood in honor of Norman English
Roxanne Foster in honor of Amanda Wiles
Jens Frank in honor of Marianne Butcher R
Sylvia Frye in honor of Vito Scutero
Sawil and Anne Galindo in honor of Norman L. English
Sylvia Gantus in honor of Amanda Wiles
Desiree Garcia in honor of Amanda Wiles
Bruce Gaylord in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Laurie Goldberg in honor of Hannah Kushner
Karen Gorder Garst in honor of Norman English
Susan Hayes in honor of Pam Fisher
Renae Hemmer in honor of Pam Fisher
Janey Hensley in honor of Rebecca Vaughan
Kelley Huebner in honor of Rebecca Vaughan
Kristina Hur
Denise Hurst in honor of Pam Fisher
Kelly Jean in honor of Pam Fisher
Liz Jensen in honor of Meghan Dominick R
Najat Jensen in honor of Amanda Wiles
Annette Johnson Brunner in honor of Marcy Jackson
Danielle Jones in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Kristen Karangelen in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Maria Karloutsos in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Kate Keane in honor of Vito Scutero
Shasta Kearns Moore in honor of Les Rogers
Carly Keller in honor of Mairin Jameson
Mary Kendrix
Cassidi Kenyon in honor of Amanda Wiles
Jenifer Kerkhoff in honor of Lacey Milner R
Genevive Kinnafick in honor of Marianne Butcher R
Lauren Klingsporn in honor of Rene Hart R
Marlene Knauf in honor of Marlenes Geburtstags-Spendenaktion
Genella Korenek in honor of Emmett Dyer R
Hannah Kushner
Greg Kutter in honor of Marcy Jackson
Jennifer Lee in honor of Michelle Romano Senko
Kitty Le'Nyx in honor of Amanda Wiles
George Lavas in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Christina Lipinski in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Jill Lounsbury in honor of Norman English
Cheryl Lundy in honor of Michelle Romano Senko
Kyle Madonia in honor of Kasey Madonia
Ron Malanowski in honor of Vito Scutero
Kai-Uwe Maller in honor of Jens Frank
Dani Mandez in honor of Meghan Dominick R
Kate Manley in honor of Jens Frank
Stefanee Mar in honor of Stefanee Mar
Elke Maria M in honor of Marlenes Geburtstags-Spendenaktion
Teresa Marie in honor of Jamie Lynne Castonguay
Candace Mattson in honor of Mairin Jameson
Christopher McGuire in honor of Jordan Toledo
Geraldine McIlhenny Brooks in honor of Jamie Lynne Castonguay
Robin Melcher-Hillis in honor of Emmett Dyer R
Emily Mertz in honor of Meghan Dominick R
Davia Moss in honor of Vito Scutero
Lisa Murphy-Tate in honor of Rebecca Vaughan R
Nancy Nagele in honor of Marcy Jackson
John Nichols in honor of John Maddog Nichols
Amber Nolde in honor of Catelin Renee
Anne-Marie Nolin in honor of Hannah Kushner
Tina Olive in honor of Allie Clark
David and Janice O'Ryan in memory of Helen Schmit K
Nancy Pantsy in honor of Dame Dana R
Kathleen Parker in honor of Michelle Romano Senko
Tabassum Parveen in honor of Jens Frank
Tess Paxton in honor of Lacey Milner
Robert Perini R
Christine Pierce in honor of Pam Fisher
Sharon Pogorzelski Boniello in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Patrick and Connie Ryan in memory of Helen Schmit K
Sherry Schaaf in honor of Catelin Renee
Julie Schultz in honor of Pam Fisher
Evan Serchay in honor of Vito Scutero
Bobbie Sharp Moxley in honor of Marcy Jackson
Sloane Smith in memory of Lillian Hux R
Edith Stansbury in honor of Pam Fisher
Steve Stavrenos in honor of Michelle Romano Senko
Ronda Sudderth Grier in honor of Ella Grace Nash R
Aaron Taylor in honor of Pam Fisher
Jordan Toledo in honor of Jordan Toledo's birthday
Natascha Tomek in honor of Marlenes Geburtstags-Spendenaktion
Rose Van Volkenburg in honor of Pam Fisher
Amy Vandemotter K
Val Vasquez in honor of Amanda Wiles
Christine Vaughan in honor of Rebecca Vaughan R
Jacqueline Verrico R
Gregg Verses in honor of Nikolas Karloutsos R
Julee Wagner in honor of Pam Fisher
Ryan Walton in honor of Amanda Wiles
Carolyn Washow in honor of Amie Herring
Gary and Samantha Weston in honor of Marcus Weston
Casey White in honor of Tuesdi Dyer
Sandra Wicker Carroll in honor of Marcy Jackson
Charity Wilmer
Lesley Yaniv in honor of Rebecca Vaughan
Ross Zeller in honor of Meghan Dominick R